Emptiness is not ‘nothingness’ – it is not the absence of all matter.  For the followers of Christ, it took an empty grave to awaken them to the transformative power of divine relationship.  Like the empty tomb, the empty garden is an invitation to a place of fertile transformation – transformation through interior reflective journey & transformative relationship.  For Christians the empty tomb is an invitation to relationship with a living God – a divine being that purposefully creates empty spaces for fertile transformation.

For many of us emptiness can create feelings of anxiety, when we respond to it in fear.  Allowing ourselves to dwell in a space of perpetual spiritual emptiness can leave us feeling as though our lives are meaningless.  Frequently, in search for a cure to our feelings of meaninglessness we adopt a state of perpetual busyness.  Our society is exceptional at measuring an individual’s value by their state of busyness.  Unfortunately, this perpetual state of busyness keeps us from experiencing the fertile transformation that the gift of emptiness can offer. 

Throughout spring humanity is invited into this fertile empty space of the garden; a space teeming with all the elements that will birth new life and transformation. How, like the gardener, might we embrace emptiness and cultivate within our hearts openness to our own transformation?  Will we join the divine in the empty fertile space of transformation, or will we continue to measure our value by perpetual busyness?